Monday, July 27, 2009


Today is the third part of the letter from Al Steel, the Self-Defense Trainer who allowed me to pass it to my friends.


If you are in a situation where your safety (or your LIFE!) is at risk, you MUST be professional and can't let your emotions, anger, frustration or
ego take over.

In those 60 SECONDS before a potential fight, you need to do EVERYTHING by the book and STAY FOCUSED! Nobody will cut you any slack, you MUST be professional
or you will get hurt!

But most guys don't make the RIGHT DECISIONS in these situations...

1. They find it too akward to just walk away or think they must stand up for themselves when there is no need for it.

2. They use force when they don't have to ... or they don't use it when they should!

Being professional is what ultimately keeps you out of harms way and allows you to walk away with a few scratches ... or leaves you with a bruised face
and broken bones.


Guys who have been practicing a Martial Art will fall in the same trap very quickly:


I see this in a lot of Martial Artists, especially with new students who haven't had a lot of REAL fighting experience.

Dojos and Martial Art Schools used to be GREAT places to learn effective Self Defense ... but unfortunately not anymore.

Most have turned into Belt-Factories with only a single purpose: Making you stay a member as LONG as possible and extracting AS MUCH MONEY along the way as they can.

You will rise through the ranks very quickly, even though you might not have reached the necessary standard to qualify. As long as you pay the fees, you'll get what you want.

Obviously, you must learn an entire ARSENAL (!) of techniques, moves and takedowns that are completely NECESSARY ... to make you keep coming back and pay up.

If you are able to defend yourself on the street when the shit really hits the fan isn't a TOP PRIORITY AS IT SHOULD BE!

You will learn a lot of "junk" and "filler" material that are too complicated, confusing and not even necessary. But it keeps FUELING your ego, BOOSTS your
confidence and makes you BELIEVE you are now a real fighting-machine.

Oh boy, this will get you in so much trouble and danger most guys are too BLIND to see it.

Even if you have a black belt ... YOU HAVEN'T BEEN PREPARED PROPERLY FOR THE STREET!

Your first objective on the Street isn't to fight like the Martial Art Philosophy teaches you ... it's to FIND A WAY OUT 'WITHOUT' using violence first!

Just because you have been practicing martial arts and have been taught how to fight doesn't mean you can defend yourself on the street!

Those are TWO very different things!

Next part is coming soon. For more info visit my STREET SELF DEFENSE GUIDE

Your Friend,

Al Steele

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