Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have got this letter from Al Steel, the Self-Defense Trainer who allowed me to pass it to my friends.

Hey Alex!

Here Are The Top 10 Reasons Why Men Get Hurt In A Dangerous Situation, When Being Threatened Or When They Are Involved In a Street Fight - And How To Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One Of These Deadly Common Mistakes...


Have you ever noticed how many people just FREEZE on the spot when they are being threatened?
They have a thousand things flash through their mind? Do you also know what happens next? That's right ... they get HURT! Whenever someone is in a dangerous situation, he will have DOZENS of questions running through his head, like...

- Will this guy attack me?

- What should I do?

- What will he do NEXT?

- Does he have a friend waiting to ambush me?

- Does he have a knife?

- Am I in danger?

Because most guys don't have the EXPERIENCE to know what to expect and what to do, a dangerous situation takes them completely by surprise ... and they PANIC! Instead of doing SOMETHING ... they do NOTHING! They can't control the adrenaline rush, they aren't sure how to respond, they lose focus ... and they HESITATE!
If you don't ACT in that moment of TRUTH, I can guarantee you 100% ... you'll get hit, injured and end up in hospital!


If someone is arguing with you, shouting at you or insulting you, the first thing you MUST do right away ... is to get your guard up!

I see it every week...

Someone is arguing over absolutely nothing, has had too many beers and instead of being smart he just ARGUES right back ... TURNING an already heated
situation into a dangerous threat!
In a potential fight ... most guys just DON'T TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO PROTECT THEMSELVES!
They do the exact opposite! They FUEL the argument by PROVOKING the other guy back and behave overly AGGRESSIVE to show how tough they are.

That's the WORST thing to do!

Instead, you should take a good DISTANCE, get your GUARD up, assume the DEFENSIVE STANCE and use "THE FENCE" to PROTECT YOURSELF!

Those are the RIGHT things to do!

If your opponent crosses the "Line In The Sand" (gets too close to you), you will be PREPARED because you TOOK the necessary PRECAUTIONS TO SHIELD YOURSELF from a potential attack.


The most common attack on the street is the "Haymaker". It's usually a huge right-hand SWING or HOOK to the face.

Everybody uses it as a their first-strike choice, and hardly anybody knows how to defend themselves against it.
But it's a very BAD strike!
It is SLOW, PREDICTABLE and you WASTE a lot of energy! If you miss your target, you will not only have used up a lot of stamina and power ... you will also be WIDE OPEN to a counterattack and be completely thrown off BALANCE!

The ACCURACY is VERY LOW (!) as well, sitting at nothing more than 5% ... meaning 1 in 20 Sucker-Punches will hit it's target. On top of that, you can pretty much see a
"Sucker-Punch" coming from 10 miles away. If you want to hit someone ... the Sucker-Punch


I'll talk to you again soon. For more info visit my STREET SELF DEFENSE GUIDE

Your Friend,

Al Steele